Thursday, December 4, 2014

Micro controlled marker that writes on white board.
Completed as a team of 4 in 2000, as part of design challenge in university. Second Prize. Picture is somewhere in archived HDD can be provided on request.

Implementation of JPEG2000 standard
Final Year Project. Team of 3. 2002
Light following model car
Just for fun. 2001
3 .
173Mhz and 433 Mhz based range testing system for research.
Part of SECOAS Project. Please refer to “Experimental investigation of wireless link layer for multi-hop oceanographic-sensor networks”
Published in IEE Letters
Board design for 173 Mhz Modem integration with PIC microcontroller and RF Power Amplifier
Part of SECOAS Project 2003
Firmware for TDMA based wireless protocol
Part of SECOAS Project 2003-2005
Redesign of Sea Mammal datalogger Tag
Designed in 2005
Bluetooth Integration for over-the-air configuration for Sea Mammal datalogger. Based on Blueradios modules.
This was done to get rid of the connector for water-proofing.2007
Snap based GPS design. GPS position in 25 mS.
Firmware was written by third party, I designed the PCB and fine-tuned the firmware to work for our product. 2007-2010
Seal emulator/tester
A tester that would emulate seal behaviour to the tag. Used for accelerated life testing of PCBs and firmware. 2008
Accelerometer Logging mini tag
This project involved measuring ADC on three axis and storing it in an SD card. Used PIC18F8722. 2008/2009
SRDL Mini tag
Miniaturised the PCB of the SRDL tag circuit to half its normal size for customers’ requirements.2007
SRDL Nano tag
Further reduction in size of the product 2008/2009
SRDL Solar-Mini
Solar charged Mini tag that used Solar panels and Lithium batteries to work over much longer periods than normal products. 2009/2010
Bluetooth Tag to Tag communication project
I enabled Bluetooth communication between and RFID data logger and a GSM Telemetry device. The RFID reader was on seal back and counter number of fish eaten by seal and then transmitted this information to GSM tag to be sent back to base as there was no other way at that time to get this information back. 2010/2011
Argos Satellite transmitter
I was electronics engineer for the team designing a miniature (postage stamp size) Argos satellite transmitter at 416 Mhz and 0.5Watts using RF synthesizer, PIC 18f45J50 and RFMD power amplifier. 2010/2011
Electronics to support Iridium Satellite communication using satellite modem
I designed some of the power supply circuitry to enable the sea mammal tags to communicate over Irridim Satellite modem 2010
TS-TAG sub-miniature GPS data logger
First product developed at E-Shepherd. At under 1.1 grams it was the worlds lightest GPS logger in 2009. Pictures at  2009
TM-TAG miniature GPS data logger
Slightly bigger than the TS-TAG the TM tag incorporated an embedded antenna and hourly schedule capability. Pictures at 2009/2010
TTX-TAG Bluetooth based remote download tag
Slightly larger than TM-TAG this one had Bluetooth in it to enable it to download data remotely
A base-station that runs under Windows app control to look for known tags and download data from them when they are in range. Windows app written in VB by third party under contract. 2010/2011
Project Adama
GPRS based GPS tracker under 15 gram completed weight 2010/2011
Bus tracker
Long life bus tracker designed for a company called Basemap. Basemap used this data to improve bus routes for Essex County Council 2012
Solar Boat GPS Datalogger
Designed under contract for researchers in Oman. 2012
RFID reader antenna for chemical test-tube detection
Design of very directional RFID antenna to avoid misreads in RFID-enabled test tube panels   2006
Quad LED driver firmware using Two ATTINY
I was given hardware with Atmel ATTINY microprocessors and I wrote control software for 4 channel LED driver. 2011
Jennic/NXP based LED light control
Designed a 30 light demo controlled wireless using NXP JENNET protocol 2011
Telegesis Zigbee based LED light control
Designed 10 light demo using telegesis based protocol. It was shown in “Light and Building” trade show in Frankfurt 2012
Zigbee Home Automation based large scale network
Designed hardware and software for Zigbee Home automation enabled light control that enables one Zigbee gateway to control 500 lights. Demo of 500 lights being  controlled is running in Lab. 2012
GPS sheep tracker
Prototyped and now production ready. Collaborated with Mechanical design engineer to design the housing to accommodate products already made. 2012
21 Channel Potentiostat
A device used in medical research. I designed PCB, digital electronics and firmware, Lance did the Analog Design
Rack Mount - 16 Channel Potentiostat
Similar to 21 Channel system but major size reduction and single PCB design. Lance did analog design. Major Issues: reduce inter channel noise due to miniaturisation. 2008
48 Channel FRA (Frequency response Analyser, its type of a Potentiostat)
Super size FRA using motherboard and two daughterboard concept. Major issue: reduce inter channel noise due to the number of channels present.  Also, power supply design and PCB design were major overhauled. PIC18f8722. 2010
8 Channel Potentiostat
Another variation of the multi channel Potentiostat. 2007/2008
Door Lock Controller
Two key pads, one OLED screen, two motors and a reed switch to control door lock from both sides with external interface to GSM. 2014
Dextarity Tester for Newcastle University
Test equipment for Medical research in to kids with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Completed for Newcastle University for AT Services . Two units made. One on 2013 and another in 2014.

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